ENFD 3008: Nanoscale science and technology
Fundamentals of nanoscale science, nanomaterials engineering, physical properties of nanomaterials, and emerging devices and applications are discussed. Nanomaterials such as carbon nanotubes, nanowires, and quantum dots used for assembling environmental sensors and nanodevices will be highlighted as will techniques and instrumentation used for characterization, manipulation, and assembly of nanomaterials into devices.
Chem 2050: Analytical Chemistry
Students learn fundamental concepts to express experimental results starting with statistics based upon Gaussian and Poisson distributions, including error distributions, standard deviation and correlations, data comparison and data rejection. This course also covers chemical equilibria with emphasis on stoichiometry, acid base chemistry, solution electrochemistry and partitioning equilibria. Chemical equilibria will be approached from the stand point of acid base equilibria, partition equilibria and redox reactions.
Chem 3030L: Instrumental Analysis Laboratory
This course is designed to give the student hands on experience with many of the instruments covered in CHEM3030. Most samples will be commercial products or environmental samples. Most of the experiments require full laboratory reports including theory, procedure and literature citations from established scientific journal publications.
Chem 5030: Undergraduate Research in Chemistry
Alvarez Lab encourages all undergraduates to get Lab experience. Undergraduates enrolled in my Lab have often become coauthors on literature publications and intellectual property generated in the Lab. It provides students with the opportunity to conduct original research in chemistry assisting a postdoc or graduate student, but in some cases undergraduates students carry their own projects.
Teaching STEM with Nanoscience for K12
Alvarez Lab is working with middle and high schools from Cincinnati area to engage K12 students into STEM. NanoScience videos produced by graduates students and postdocs at Alvarez Lab are available at the following links: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL16oN7bq2OGo4rXglHTRgA